More than six decades ago, in January 21st 1950, in Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil, Intral was founded. A small factory of ballasts for the new flouescent lamps. A history that integrates with the development of Brazil's electrical products market.
Experience, technology and pioneering in creating smarter solutions, always with high energetic efficiency rating, providing the best results for those who buy and those who sell.
Today, Intral has solutions for the most distinct lighting technologies, maintaining the quality, safety, efficiency and respect for the law and the customer.
Política da Qualidade
A política da qualidade da INTRAL SA está fundamentada no cumprimento da missão e nos compromissos para com a qualidade. São eles:
Desenvolver, produzir e comercializar a linha de produtos INTRAL SA, buscando alcançar a satisfação dos seus clientes e o adequado retorno do investimento.
Compromissos da Qualidade:
A diretoria da INTRAL SA se compromete em implementar, manter e melhorar o SGQ. Pretende desta forma:
INTRAL - more than 60 years lighting up the world with intelligence.